Facilities Maintenance Manager

John Gudino

profile photo of John Gudino

John Gudino joined the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office in September of 2021 as the Facilities Maintenance Manager, overseeing the San Francisco and San Bruno Sheriff's Office locations. Gudino currently manages the Sheriff’s Bureau of Building Services, the staff performs maintenance and repairs on San Francisco’s County Jails and various satellite offices. He also works closely with other City departments and vendors to complete larger scale projects and improvements to the jail facilities. 

He was born in San Francisco and raised next door in Daly City. He graduated from Jefferson High School in 2001 and completed his Painters and Tapers Union Apprenticeship in 2004. 

Growing up so close to San Francisco has made working for the City and County a dream career. For over 15 years, Gudino held multiple positions at the SF Department of Public Works. He started in the Paint Shop and worked his way up to being the Acting Assistant Superintendent where he was managing over 100 skilled trade workers.